⭐Cracks monitoring Standard Tell-Tale Crack Monitor Simple and cool analog crack monitor device. ⭐±1 mm (±0.04") tick marks on X-Y axes; ±0.5 mm (±0.02") discrimination ⭐±20 mm (±0.79") horizontal and ±10 mm (±0.38") vertical range ⭐High-quality polymer with easy-to-read measurement grid ⭐Standard Tell-Tale Crack Monitor scale is used to monitoring the cracks in the walls and how they evolved along the measured time. |
Standard Tell-Tale Crack Monitor for two dimensions manual crack monitoring works. This little item is used to monitoring the cracks in the walls and how they evolved along the measured time.
Tell-Tales are precision gauges use to monitor the movement of a crack, horizontal or vertically on a flat surface.
The Crack Monitoring Record that consist of two plates which overlap for a part of their length. The bottom plate is calibrated in millimeters and the top plate is transparent and marked with a hairline cursor in the form of a cross. The two pegs are removed. As the Standard Tell-Tale Crack Monitor opens or closes, the cursor moves relative to the calibration scale. The opening or closing of the crack is then recorded on the crack record sheet supplied.
monitoring the cracks Seample and cool analog crack monitor device.