⭐Survey Prism Effective diameter : 64mm
⭐Surveying Prism offset 0/-30 mm
⭐Survey Prism Equipped with adjustable brass connector
⭐Survey Prism With 5/8” x 11 aluminun thread.
⭐Survey Prism with Soft protected Case to Make Sure your Prism Safe
Mountlaser Z-14UB Prism Dscribetion:
The Mountlaser Z-14UB Prism is an all metal prism assembly for land surveying in conjunction with total stations.
With brass thread adapter can be mounted to any 5/8 inch - 11 thread pole or tripod. The heavy-duty 64mm diameter silver-coated prism is sealed in a strong canister to prevent water and dust from getting inside and has a 0 or - 30-millimeter offset and 2.5 arc second accuracy.
The All-Metal Single Tilt Prism high visibility (Bright Yellow with black ) target is 5 1/2 x 7 inches (14cm x 18cm).I wish you will like Mountlaser Z-14UB Prism.